Posted: September 26th, 2022

My organization is: Volunteer Mississippi (

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My organization is: Volunteer Mississippi (
1. Identification
Identification of the agency or organization for which service was performed. – Volunteer Mississippi
Description of the purpose or mission of the agency or organization. (website listed above)
Description of the work done by the learner – handing out water during Jackson water crisis and flooding, assisting with clean up etc.
Description of the area or department of the organization observed by the learner – volunteering department
2. Organizational Behavior Concepts
In this section, the learner will address organizational behavior aspects of the
organization. The learner will select two organizational behavior topics.
Topics : Misbehavior, Individual or organizational stress, Group development , Group behavior(s) , Use of teams , Management of conflict, Power and politics , Communication , Decision making ,Organizational structure , Organizational leadership, or organizational change, motivational theories
Once two of the above topics are selected you must provide:
A description of the topic
The theoretical foundation of the topic
How the topic manifested itself in the organization (evidence)
Effects of the topic on the organization
Did the topic manifest itself as what you read suggested it would?
Does that organizational behavior aspect propel or hinder the organization in
achieving this mission?
What alternatives are there to the situation(s) you saw?
Was the organization using the Organizational Behavior principles
effectively? What evidence is there of this?
Do you have any recommendations for the organization based on what you
have learned in OB and what you saw?
3. Biblical section (minimum 800 words)
The paper must contain a significant section integrating Christian worldview perspectives
with the observations. In addition to evaluating the OB situation or practice from a
theoretical viewpoint, the learners must also evaluate the situation from the point of view
of the biblical foundations. Learners must evaluate whether or
not the principle as practiced by the organization is consistent with the biblical
foundations (compare and contrast) and evaluate the potential change in effectiveness of
the organization were the biblical foundations are to be employed. If the organization
does purport to operate from a biblical point of view, the learners will evaluate the extent
to which the organization appears to be consistent with the biblical foundation in its
organizational behavior.
Specific Requirements:
The paper will contain a minimum of 3,500 words of content. The cover sheet, abstract, and references do not count
toward the length of the paper.
The paper, including citations, references, and general format will be APA
compliant (7th edition)
In addition to the text and the Bible, the paper will contain at least six additional
references, all of which must be from peer-reviewed sources. References should
be from high-quality sources such as peer-reviewed sources, trade journals and
business journals. While sources such as Wikipedia, e-How, blogs, or similar sites
may not be used, they will not count toward the minimum number of

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