Posted: August 25th, 2022


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-Applying to Babson College for transfer this spring
– Please minimize the use of online sources as this is a personal essay on why I want to attend Babson College.
– I applied to Babson College last fall and got waitlisted. Please check the attached file for my last essay.
– Do not write about Babson’s size, location, reputation, weather, ranking, etc.
– Make the hook sentence interesting
– Focus on me being a leader of various environmental clubs listed in my past essay.
– Brief explanation of the organizations that I want to include in the essay:
– Mountain Mama’s Bogor (Co-Head) –> A social enterprise that strives to empower women through the making of alternative bags from used materials (recruited 25 women in total (for empowerment) The production rate is also increasing to an average of 30 bags per week. We also managed to secure 10 sponsors, with a total funding of $10,000, reached out to local governments to create local waste management system from the profit of the bags)
– Student Council (President and Chairman) –> Initiated 20 ongoing programs (e.g.plastic bottle recycling); Awarded with best life leadership 2x; led the school accreditation and state competition
– It doesn’t have to be true about me, you can modify it anyway you like it as long as it makes sense at aligns with what Babson College wants
– Make it as personal as possible
– Focus on how I can be an entrepreneur as well and how Babson’s resources can help me (you might have to research this)
– Make connections to Babson’s core values
– Demonstrate growth: show about how I have self awareness and flexibility

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