Posted: February 23rd, 2022


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Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.I am in need of a minimum 5-page paper and a PowerPoint summarizing the paper to present within 5-10 minutes. I have included the rubric below. The topic that was given to me is Narcoterrorism. Assignment due: 1. Students will provide a presentation on their assigned terrorist or extremist group.2. Students will prepare an expanded outline of the presentation to include documented sources and any assumptions made in identifying and analyzing the current and potential threat from their individual terrorist or extremist group.Special ObjectivesThe student will:Prepare and present a formal briefing to the class on the assigned terrorist or extremist group to include: A description of the assigned terrorist or extremist group to include:i. The current name and other names used by the terrorist or extremist groupii. When and where formediii. Leadership and organizational structureiv. Membershipv. Area of operation A brief background of the group or organization A chronology of terrorist-related events in the last ten years involving the assigned or selected terrorist or extremist group.Procedures:Each student will prepare a formal presentation covering an assigned terrorist or extremist group or organization. In those instances where more than one student is assigned to a region, the student should collaborate to present different groups or organizations or at least different elements of the information during their individual briefing.

Guidelines for the presentations: Each presentation is allocated 5-10 minutes. The briefings need to cover the subject within the specified time limit. Each presentation should briefly cover the following items of importance:a. An analysis of the current and potential threat of a terrorist or extremist act in defined areas of the world.b. An analysis of the history, motivation, tactics and targeting trends of major terrorist and extremist organizations from around the world. c. Justification for developing and implementing appropriate countermeasures in light of the known or projected threat.Students will be graded on the following in this exercise: Covering the material in as much depth as time permits. (50%) Clearly defined assumptions from the presentation in the expanded outline. (25%) The use of presentation features to enhance the briefing to include appropriateness, appearance and integration with the rest of the presentation. (15%) Documentation material from at least two outside sources in the expanded outline. (10%)The complete set of presentation will become the base for the final group research project described in the syllabus.
Requirements: 5 pages minimum

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