Posted: February 19th, 2022

Netflix was able to gain a competitive advantage over its chief rival Blockbuste. Discuss the Netflix value proposition and how it successfully gained and advantage over Blockbuster.

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Netflix was able to gain a competitive advantage over its chief rival Blockbuster.  Discuss the Netflix value proposition and how it successfully gained and advantage over Blockbuster.
Identify and describe some of the technology innovations that Netflix was able to exploit and how these innovations contributed to competitive advantage.
Netflix is often used as an example of disruptive innovation. Using the LIRC and the internet, research the concept of disruptive innovation and then discuss how Netflix fits the model of disruptive innovation.  Consider what role technology played in achieving the disruptive innovation that provided Netflix with a competitive advantage.
Madrigal, A. C. (2014, January 2). How netflix reverse engineered Hollywood. The Atlantic.
Video: Harvard Business Review. (2012, March 30). Disruptive innovation explained [Video]. YouTube.  Follow  to read more.

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