Posted: August 4th, 2022

Nike wants to help its customers add soul to their soles and express their individuality by customizing their own shoes. See for yourself at Enter “customize” in the search box and build a shoe that fits your style.

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Nike wants to help its customers add soul to their soles and express their individuality by customizing their own shoes. See for yourself at Enter “customize” in the search box and build a shoe that fits your style.
a. What if you’re in the middle of your shoe design and you have questions about what to do next? Where can you go for help?
b. How does Nike’s website help the company strengthen its relationships with its stakeholders? Give examples to support your answer.
c. How do the elements of the website reflect Nike’s target market?
d. Does Nike invite comments from visitors to its website? If so, how does this affect its attempt to build positive relationships with its customers?
How important is price to you when buying the following: clothes, milk, computers, haircuts, and rental cars? What non-price factors, if any, are more important than price? How much time do you spend evaluating factors other than price when making such purchases?
Shopbots are Internet sites for finding the best prices on goods you need. No shopbot searches the entire Internet, so it’s a good idea to use more than one to get the best deals. Furthermore, not all shopbots quote shipping and handling costs. Here are some to try:,,, and
a. Which of the shopbots offers the most goods and the most information? How helpful are the consumer reviews? The product descriptions?
b. Which shopbot is easiest to use? The hardest? Explain your assessment?
c. Write down some of the prices you find on the Internet and then go to a local store, such as Walmart or Target, and compare prices. Does either source (online or brick-and-mortar) consistently offer the best price?
d. Compare shopping on the Internet to shopping in stores. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Which has the best total product offer?
One scarce item in the future will be water. If you could think of an inexpensive way to get water from places of abundance to places where it is needed for drinking, farming, and other uses, you could become a wealthy marketing intermediary. Pipelines are an alternative, but could you also freeze the water and ship it by train or truck? Could you use ships to tow icebergs to warmer climates? What other means of transporting water might there be?

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