Posted: February 22nd, 2022
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Comment on your preference for mixed scanning.
Please respond with 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Incrementalism or Mixed Scanning
Online discussions pose an opportunity for rich and meaningful student learning and interaction. Online discussions extend classroom learning by providing an asynchronous method of communication for the exchange of meaningful ideas that promote critical thinking and develop thoughtful reflective learning. All students are expected to participate in each weekly discussion. These forums will be grounded in durable or critical thinking utilizing case studies, problem/solution scenarios or other appropriate assignments.
Discussion board questions will be assigned each week. Students must answer all questions in APA style, citing references from the book and other sources. All answers must be at least two paragraphs. Students must also reply to at least two other students posting. See syllabus for more details.
Comment on your preference for incrementalism or mixed scanning and on at least one of your colleagues comments.
Please post your initial response by 23:59 CST Wednesday of Week 1, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 CST Sunday.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
2.85 points each
Use of course material
All relevant course material is used. Specific information from readings is incorporated into analysis and critique.
Some of the relevant course material is used. General information from readings and lectures is incorporated into analysis and critique.
Minimal course material is used. Information from readings and lectures is not incorporated into analysis and critique.
Communication Skills
Score: _____
Articulate, well prepared; subject clearly covered.
Moderately articulate & organized; some preparation; subject understood.
Inarticulate, unorganized; minimally prepared; content unclear.
Total: 20 points for all forum activity
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