Posted: May 5th, 2022

O‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍penStax Principles of Management

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O‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍penStax Principles of Management Free online access, link in login for writer. ISBN: OPENSTAX MGT309 Chapters 1-7 Decision Making Reflection This assignment will require you to reflect on your personal decision-making skills, and hopefully better prepare you for your next decision-making opportunity. In a formal business report: First, describe a recent, major decision that you made either in your professional or personal life. This could be an individual decision that you made or a team decision in which you participated in (whether or not you made the final decision). Next, reflect on how the decision-making process actually happened, using the class readings for reference. Ensure you address each of the steps in the decision-making process, whether they occurred or not. Highlight, where appropriate: Which steps do you believe people tend to be skipped or spend insufficient time on? Why? What can you do to improve the quality of your decision making? Then, describe what you believe are the benefits of decision making in as a group. Write a self-assessment of what you can do better to improve the quality of group decision making, giving special emphasis to your upcoming Team Assignment (read ahead in the course for details on this assignment). Conclude with a summary of your key points and recommendations, ending with an action-statement on your future decision-making skills! Guidelines: This assignment is considered a complete Business Case Study. Therefore, your report should be written as a formal business report of your analysis. This report should be between 2-4 pages (not including title page and references). Internal references (. textbook, readings, lectures, etc.) and External references (. other published works) should be used to add credibility to your statements. To be professional, always write in a formal style (. using impersonal nouns such as “the team”, “the analysis” and “this project”, while avoiding personal pronouns such as I, we, you, he, she, and they) As this is a real-time analysis, write in the present tense to describe your findings and recommended actions (except when describing past events). Cu‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍rrent APA format is required, including title page and reference page Use Headings and Sub-headings as appropriate Exception: DO NOT include an Abstract or Table of Contents for this short report DO NOT cite your own information (personal or corporate), which is everything provided in the Case Study (if details or data are provided) NU Library resource for APA guidance: Recommendations for Reporting Analytical Work: Always start with an Introduction of the business problem that you will be addressing in your report End your Introduction with a brief summary of the topics you’ll be covering in your report Consider writing your Introduction LAST — so you know where you’re going to end (see Conclusion) Provide credible references to support your claims Always cite when you use someone else’s ideas! Keep quotations short – only as many words as necessary to support your claim Always discuss information BEFORE showing a Table or Figure Always reference a Table or Figure in the text, for example: “see Table 1 below” The Table/Figure should follow as soon as possible on the page (. at the next paragraph break) Do NOT just reiterate the data in the Table or Figure DO provide explanation, meaning, and/or summary of key points shown in the Table/Figure For example, stating comparisons such as “A is 32% larger than B” or “this trend has consistently increased over the past 12 months” Keep Tables/Figure as concise as possible — not too much data to clutter your main point 1/4 page is a good size, 1/2 page maximum, or use the Appendix as last resort for very large Tables/Figures Avoid breaking Tables/Figure across 2 pages Keep fonts legible, typically in the same style and size as your paragraph text (don’t copy/paste-as-picture) Always end with a Conclusion that: Briefly summarizes your work Highlights again your key findings Ends with your overall recommendation and/or necessary actions as “next steps” HINT: As with all writing and speaking, know your audience! For a business analysis, this will probably be your supervisor within your compan‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍y/organization.

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