Posted: June 26th, 2022

Organization and Leader Analysis

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Tips for Task 2:
Organization and Leader Analysis
Please use the following tips to help you
complete your leadership analysis.
Write this paper in third person.
Read through the entire task
instructions and rubric requirements prior to completing task 2.
Use a different scholarly
leadership theory in task 2 than the one chosen in task 1. (Do not use Transfomational Leadership Theory)
The current leader that you choose
must be someone other than yourself.
You are encouraged to create a cover
page, a table of contents, headings, and subheadings.
The paper should be 10–16
pages, not including cover page and references. Please be both
descriptive (who, what, when, and where), and explanatory (why and how).
Evaluators assess your paper based on the specificity of your response,
not on the generalizations.
Note: Meeting the rubric criteria is
more important than writing a number of pages*** (Rubric is attached)
A. Organization Description
Describe an existing organization with
which you have had personal experience and where you have either had direct
access to a leader or have been able to observe a leader. Describe the organization’s
objectives. The organization can be a for-profit or a nonprofit business, and
you may represent any level of the organization (e.g., the team, department,
division, or whole) in your analysis.
You must change the name of the
organization and employee names.
Provide a detailed discussion of the
Discuss the history and background
of the organization.
Discuss the vision and mission of
the organization.
Discuss the purpose and objectives
of the organization. Think of the goals, financial objectives, and
strategic objectives of the organization.
Provide citations where needed.
A1. Leadership Practices
In this section, you
will provide specific descriptions of three leadership practices of the current
leader. The current leader must be someone other than yourself.
Provide specific examples that
illustrate the practice.
Cleary state the leaders title and
(fictitious) name. The leader analyzed in A1 will be the same leader
analyzed in C1, C2, and C3.
Write a separate paragraph on each
of the three practices.
Note: A leadership practice (or function)
is different from a leadership theory. This section, A1, only discusses
practice, not theory.
Example: One leadership practice of the CEO is to provide strategic leadership
to the organization. In the performance of this responsibility, the CEO forms
the organization’s vision and mission, while forming and implementing strategy.
The value of strategic leadership is determining the organization’s direction
by effectively managing the organization’s resources in pursuit of the
organization’s vision. (This is a small draft of the leadership
practice narrative. You are required to illustrate further how the individual
performs the leadership responsibility and what value the responsibility
provides to the organization).
A2. Effects of Current Leader
on Culture
this section, discuss how the current leader of the organization has affected
the culture based on his or her underlying beliefs, assumptions, and values.
A leader’s values and beliefs shape the culture of an organization.
Organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions,
values, and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and
psychological environment of an organization.
how the leader has affected the organization’s culture in a positive or
negative manner.
examples to support your analysis.
B. SWOT Analysis
this section, conduct a SWOT analysis of the chosen organization. In this
analysis please address the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
to the organization. Remember, strengths are positive, weaknesses are negative,
opportunities are unmet, and threats are unresolved.
SWOT Analysis should be at the same level of the organization used in the
organization description from Section A (e.g., the team,
department, division, or whole).
B1. Current
this section, discuss two of the organization’s current strengths including
specific details. Address how the strengths you identify have a positive impact
on the organization.
assessing the strengths, think about the various functions such as
finance, marketing, research and development, etc.
a separate paragraph for each of the two strengths.
B2. Current Weaknesses
this section, discuss two of the organization’s current weaknesses including
specific details. Address how the weaknesses you identify have a negative
impact on the organization.
assessing the weaknesses, think about the various functions such as
finance, marketing, research and development, and so forth.
a separate paragraph for each of the two weaknesses.
B3. Current Opportunities
this section, discuss two of the organization’s current unmet opportunities,
include specific details on how the opportunities have the potential to benefit
or improve the organization.
assessing the opportunities, think about the various areas of potential
benefit or improvement for the organization such as technology, human
resources, finance, marketing, and so forth.
a separate paragraph for each of the two opportunities.
B4. Current Threats
this section, discuss two of the organization’s current unresolved threats.
Include specific details on how the threats identified have the potential to
threaten or harm the organization.
assessing the threats, think about the various areas of potential threat
or harm such as technology, competitors, finance, government, and so
Write a separate paragraph for
each of the two threats.
C. Leadership Evaluation
this section, perform a leadership analysis of your current leader’s top three
strengths and weaknesses, and make three recommendations to improve his or her
leadership effectiveness. Apply one theory to all three sections: C1, C2, and
C3. The theory you choose should be different from the theory you chose in
task one.
Transformational leadership DO NOT USE
theory of leadership
Note: It is highly
recommended that you use at least three distinct and unique scholarly sources
to support the scholarly leadership theory.
C1. Strengths of the Current
this section, discuss three strengths of your chosen leader, describing in
detail how the three strengths you identified align with the chosen scholarly
leadership theory.
section of the task requires scholarly research.
specific examples to support each strength and include at least one in-text
citation using a scholarly source.
a separate paragraph for each of the three strengths.
Note: A scholarly source could be a reputable journal, a published book,
any source from a business leader or university faculty member.
C2. Weaknesses of the Current
this section, discuss three weaknesses of your chosen leader, describing in
detail how the three weaknesses that you identified align with the chosen
scholarly leadership theory.
section of the task requires scholarly research.
the same scholarly leadership theory you used in C1.
specific examples to support each weaknesses, and include at least one in-text
citation using a scholarly source.
a separate paragraph for each of the three weaknesses.
Recommendations for the Current Leader
that you have evaluated the current leaders’ strengths and weaknesses,
recommend three specific actions, behaviors, or practices that would improve
the current leader’s effectiveness in leading people and organizations. The
recommendations address the current leaders identified leadership weaknesses
and align with the chosen scholarly leadership theory.
section of the task requires scholarly research.
the same scholarly leadership theory you used in C1.
specific examples to support each actionable item, and include at
least one in-text citation using scholarly source.
a separate paragraph for each of the three recommendations.

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