Posted: February 22nd, 2022

“Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.”

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In Everythings an Argument, review the chapter titled Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos. In the student textbook that Amazon sent me, it is Chapter 2.
For help with understanding pathos in an argument that attempts to persuade an audience through emotion (pathos), view the short video below.
Your underlined thesis in the first paragraph of Daily Writing 3.2 must offer an opinion about the following argument, in the Bowles article, by Russian novelist and poet Vladimir Nabokov.
“Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.”
Using the first-person point of view of one of Mort and Mindy Kondrackes adult neighbors, compose an essay (400-word minimum, 500-word maximum) that responds to Bowless article.
Remember, in first person, you are not writing about the neighbor; you are the neighbor.
CAUTION: In each paragraph the assigned point of view must be evident.
As a reminder from Week 1, quotations are not permitted in the introductory or concluding paragraphs. Those paragraphs must be exclusively yours.
IMPORTANT: At least one one paragraph of your essay must specifically address Mort and Milly Kondracke by name and their dilemma in the sixth paragraph of the Bowles essay.
EXCLUSIVE FOR DAILY WRITING 3.2 ONLY: In the first use of Mort and Millys names, use their first and last name. When mentioning them by name in the rest of the essay, use their first names: Mort or Milly. This usage is an exception to the MLA use of names rules.
IMPORTANT: There are additional assignment instructions on the Bowles handout.
As a reminder, the underlined thesis in the introductory paragraph must always be written from the third-person omniscient point of view, and no names should be mentioned in the thesis.
For additional help with first-person point of view, check out the short video below.
Use the assigned Bowles reading as a source to create the in-text citations and a Works Cited section for your essay. The information for two of the citations is provided at the end of the Bowles reading.
The Works Cited section never adds to the word count of the essay.
When you review the model essay, notice that there is one short, direct quotation (from research) in the paper. Most of the writing in the paper is created by the student, not quoted from another source.
This assignment requires a minimum of two direct quotations from the Bowles source. Except for the Nabokov quotation, each quotation used in this essay must be at least two complete lines of text but not more than four lines of text, placed in separate paragraphs, and must pertain to the content of that paragraph.
Quotations may never be included in the introductory or concluding paragraphs. Those paragraphs should be exclusively yours, not something quoted or paraphrased from the reading assignment or other sources.
A quotation may never form its own paragraph; it must be included within a paragraph and directly relate to the content of that paragraph.
Quotations in this assignment may not include more than twelve lines of text, accumulative, unless otherwise instructed.
IN-TEXT CITATIONS: No matter how many quotations are used in an EH 1302 essay, an in-text citation must be provided with that quotation even if the authors name is used to introduce that quotation. This requirement is specific to this course. Other instructors guidance may differ.
Also use a short quotation from the Bible and provide an online Bible source to create an in-text citation in the body of your essay and a full citation on the Works Cited page. Please limit Bible sources to the following online versions: King James Version, New King James Version, New International Version, English Standard Version, American Standard Version, or New American Standard Version.
No other Bible sources shall be used.
Variations of that example citations construction (format) will be subjected to the appropriate point deduction.
After reading the Nabokov quotation, when you select a Bible passage, consider the words of Jesus: I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (English Standard Version, John 8:12).
As a matter of clarity, use three direct quotations in the essay: The Nabokov quotation from the Bowles source, a Bowles quotation, and an online Bible quotation. Except for the Nabokov quotation, each quotation must be at least two complete lines of text placed in separate paragraphs, and must pertain to the content of that paragraph.
For some excellent, searchable online Bible sources, try using the Bible versions below.
IMPORTANT: No other sources shall be used.
It would be wise for students to complete the daily writing assignments before submitting the Week 3 formal essay assignment. I will try to respond to all assignments within three business days from the due date (excluding weekends and holidays).
This is not a biography assignment.
The paragraph requirement for Daily Writing essay assignments is introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph.
The paragraph requirement for Formal Essay assignments is introductory paragraph, a minimum of three body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph.
Paragraph divisions provide transition, clarity, and organization to an essay.
To view a helpful, short video about composing an introductory paragraph, navigate to the Course Handouts and Video Tutorials Module located directly above Module 1 and access the video titled Introductory Paragraph.
To view a helpful, short video about composing a concluding paragraph, navigate to the Course Handouts and Video Tutorials Module located directly above Module 1 and access the video titled Concluding Paragraph.
Paragraph development: In journalistic and some other styles of writing, a paragraph can be just about anything that the writer composes as long as it effectively holds the readers attention. A paragraph in EH 1301 and EH 1302 must be attention-getting, but more structured, consisting of a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
For additional help with formatting the Works Cited page and citations, review the model essay and other examples provided with Weeks 1 and 2 assignments.
If the last paragraph of the text of your essay is 2, then the Works Cited page shall begin on Page 3, the page following the last paragraph of your essay. The page must be titled Works Cited centered at the top of the page, followed by a list of the citations. The Works Cited page must be numbered consecutively.
Students should make every effort to submit the daily writing assignments and Discussion comments before submitting the Week 3 Formal Fssay assignment. I will try to respond to all assignments within 72 hours of the due date (excluding weekends and holidays).
The Works Cited page is never included in the word count. Identify this assignment as Daily Writing 3.2 (without the quotation marks). Submit this assignment as an attachment no later than the due date.
Save this file submission as DW3.2_YourLastName.
I will return all assignments to you with a grade and my comments written directly on the assignment. If you do not read my comments on the graded assignments, you are missing half the class. Submit Daily Writing 3.2 NLT the due date.
Due date: July 8
Expiration date: July 15. There is no makeup for expired assignments.
Linda Bowles, the writer of the reading assignment, died April 30, 2003, almost one year after the death of her husband.  She quit writing to take care of her husband who had brain cancer.  Bowles took her own life.
The last article that Bowles wrote was, The Man I Love, and it is well worth the few minutes that it takes to read.
About her husband, Bowles writes in the article, The only thing he didnt teach me was how to live without him (Bowles).

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