Posted: September 24th, 2022

Part 1 prompt – essay: legal issues relating to employment, labor, or employment law

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The purpose of this assignment is to apply legal and ethical analysis to important employment or labor issues and use that analysis to develop recommendations for the implementation of legally and ethically proper employment practices in a business.
Refer to the concepts presented in Chapters 18 and 19 of the textbook to address the questions related to the Part 1 Essay and the Part 2 Memo. Your instructor will provide you with the prompts to be used for each part.
Part 1 Prompt – Essay: Legal Issues Relating to Employment, Labor, or Employment Law
Instructor Prompt: Discuss the use of social media during the hiring process, is it legal, is it moral, is it ethical?
Part 2 Prompt – Memo: Advising on Employment Law Issues
Instructor Prompt: Employer monitoring employees after hours and what impact that has or should or should not have on the employee and/or the employer and its organization.
Part 1 should have a minimum of 750 words. Part 2 should have a minimum of 500 words. The total minimum word count for this assignment is 1,250 words.
Ensure that you use the appropriate format, headings, and subheadings to identify the topic you are discussing. You are required to include at least two scholarly or legal references per prompt and you are encouraged to utilize the GCU Library and other external sources to find cases, ethics reviews, and legal terminology. USE HEADINGS THAT MIMIC THE GRADING RUBRIC/PROMPT AND WILL FURTHER ORGANIZE YOUR PAPER. Use Level One and/or Level Two headings to further organize your paper. A good rule of thumb for headings is to use the grading rubric elements, that way it organizes your paper, ensures that all grading elements are met, and makes it easier for the grader. For additional information, please visit PURDUE OWL, located at

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