Posted: February 20th, 2022

Part I<
Read and annotate the essay, “Reforming the Role,” by Mark Rose. This

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Part I<
Read and annotate the essay, “Reforming the Role,” by Mark Rose. This is, admittedly, a<
sophisticated and challenging piece of criticism. It is not easy to comprehend, but you have many<
days to work on it.<
Take your time. Focus on the parts of the essay that you understand and try your best to use<
higher-order critical thinking to analyze them.<
Part II<
Now that you have read and annotated “Reforming the Role,” by Mark Rose, write a brief essay,<
taking a stance on what you believe is Rose’s central thesis and developing an original analysis<
about an important theme that runs through Hamlet.<
Be sure to express your own ideas about the essay and the play, in addition to discussing what<
you think Rose is saying. In other words, your essay should incorporate your own analysis, and<
not merely present a summary of Rose’s assertions.<
Support your analysis with quotes from the essay and at least three different acts of the play.<
Focus on theme, not plot.<
Please be sure to do the document in MLA format on MY google account. The login information will be below. <
Password: amir2004<
please email me at with any questions.<
If the file doesn’t work just look up “Performing the role” by Mark Rose<
Thank you

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