Posted: June 22nd, 2022

Patient Care and Ability to pay

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Using the topic you chose in Module 1 -” Patient Care and Ability to pay”. , Create a research design that would utilize Survey Methods. Include the following in your design:
A problem statement
A purpose statement
Include 2 to 5 research questions (Make sure the will fit a survey method research design)
A description of the data that will be collected.
A description of how the data will be analyzed.
Choose one of the qualitative research tools .
Provide a review to your peers on your thoughts of the research tool. How can this tool assist you in your research design utilizing Survey Methods?
How you will establish reliability and validity
Include 10 to 15 example survey questions. Make sure that you are using a variety of question types.
Discuss the differences in using a survey versus secondary data.
Require to answer each 11 questions given above in 3-4 pages . Must include Introduction and Conclusion.

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