Posted: July 7th, 2022

Perform research on one of the following topics that relates to a key driver of globalization. Describe two specific ways this driver of globalization has changed how companies do business.

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Perform research on one of the following topics that relates to a key driver of globalization. Describe two specific ways this driver of globalization has changed how companies do business.
The history of the Internet
Changes in trade barriers over the last 20 years
The impact of social media
After performing your research, post your summation to the journal textbox. You must use academically credible resources (i.e., no Wikipedia or blogs), and cite them following APA formatting. Include all cited sources in a reference list at the end of the post. Consult the “Academic Writer” link located in the “Academic Tools” area under “Course Resources” for assistance with APA formatting.
Your response should:
Select one of the noted drivers of globalization.
Describe two examples of the impact of this driver on international organizations.
Be a minimum of 300 words.
Include at least two academically credible external sources.

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