Posted: February 12th, 2022

PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

When writing your research question, follow the PICOT format as it helps you summarize your research questions efficiently:(P) – Population refers to the sample of subjects you wish to recruit for your study. There may be a fine balance between defining a sample that is most likely to respond to your intervention (e.g. no co-morbidity) and one that can be generalized to patients that are likely to be seen in actual practice.
(I) – Intervention refers to the treatment that will be provided to subjects enrolled in your study.
(C) – Comparison identifies what you plan on using as a reference group to compare with your treatment intervention. Many study designs refer to this as the control group. If an existing treatment is considered the ‘gold standard’, then this should be the comparison group.
(O) – Outcome represents what result you plan on measuring to examine the effectiveness of your intervention. Familiar and validated outcome measurement tools relevant to common chiropractic patient populations may include the Neck Disability Index or Roland-Morris Questionnaire. There are, typically, a multitude of outcome tools available for different clinical populations, each having strengths and weaknesses.
(T) – Time describes the duration for your data collection
PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:P = Patient populationI = Intervention or issue of interestC = Comparison of interventions or comparison of interestsO = OutcomeT = Time frameFor example, you may wish to research the effects of interrupted sleep on cognition of ICU patients 65 or older.Using this PICOT model,In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?In ICU patients who are 65 or older, how does interrupted sleep (awakened one time or more in four hours) as compared to uninterrupted sleep influence the patient’s cognitive ability over 5 days?Assignment DirectionsBegin by selecting a topic in nursing Download topic in nursingthat is of interest to you. Next, use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.Include the following:Title page
Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.
Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.
Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.
Your paper should: Be 2–3 pages (not including the title page and reference page)
Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.
Requirements: 3 pages

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