Posted: November 22nd, 2022

Pieces of your Business Plan Executive Summary: This section should briefly summ

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Pieces of your Business Plan
Executive Summary: This section should briefly summarize each section of the business plan. The executive summary should provide an overview of the business and should outline and describe key points and issues.
Business Description: This section should provide a description of the business or idea, and should incorporate the following elements:
Company’s Mission, Vision, Goals, Values and Objectives
Reasons for Starting the Business
Description of Product or Service Offered
Business Model
Industry Analysis: This section should provide a description and analysis of (i) the industry in which the company will be operating, (ii) the target market, and (iii) the company’s major competitors. The section should incorporate descriptions and analyses of the following elements:
Industry Size, Segments, and Maturity
Industry SWOT
Major Competitors
Overall Trends and Outlook for the Industry
The Company’s Competitive Advantages and their impacts on its Success
Management Team Plan: This section should provide a description of the proposed organizational structure of the company and the ways in which the company will be managed. The description should incorporate the following elements:
Form of Ownership and Reasons for Choice of Ownership Form
Organizational Structure/Chart
Qualifications, Experience, Expertise, and Roles of Members of the Management Team
Other Stakeholders (e.g., Board of Directors, Advisory Boards, etc.)
Professional Service Firms Providing Management Support (e.g., accounting, customer service, legal counsel, etc.)
Location Analysis and Manufacturing Plan: This section should provide a description of the resources and processes needed (i) for the day-to-day functioning of the company and (ii) in order to support the company’s strategic goals and objectives. The description should incorporate the following elements:
Human Resource Needs
Physical Facilities Requirements
Technological Resource Needs
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Plan
Implementation Timetables
Marketing Plan: This section should provide a description of the ways in which the company will market its good or service. The description should incorporate the following elements:
Target Market and Consumer Demographics, including Market Niche in which the Company Will Operate
Overall Marketing Strategy
Marketing Mix (Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion, Advertising, Distribution Channels, Media Usage, Public Relations, Web/Social Media Presence, etc.)
Sales Management, including Sales Planning, Sales Approach, and Sales Force
Marketing Plan Budget
Financial Plan: This section should provide a description and analysis of both the initial and ongoing financing and financial management of the company. The section should incorporate descriptions and analyses of the following elements:
Possible Sources of Initial Financing
Sales Forecasts
Income Projections
Break-Even Analysis
Capital Budget

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