Posted: September 16th, 2022

Please i need this before 10pm please

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PLEASE I NEED THIS BEFORE 10PM PLEASE In his op-ed article in the New York Times dated April 13, 2022, “America’s Pandemic PTSD”, Charles M. Blow argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has left many workers [and people] continuing to “struggle with physical, mental and emotional stress.” In addition, as human beings, we are social creatures that need sense of togetherness and community, which was effectively curtailed during the early parts of the pandemic.
Do you think that the pandemic and its continued part of our collective lives created trauma in some shape or form? Should we, as a society, make an effort to address the social and mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic? Explain your answer.
Instructions: Explain your answer in five (5) paragraphs.

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