Posted: September 26th, 2022

Please read the mini-case 4 Nike’s Core Competency: The Risky Business of Creating Heroes

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Please read the mini-case 4 Nike’s Core Competency: The Risky Business of Creating Heroes (found in the back of the textbook) and answer the below case questions:
Q1. The MiniCase indicates that Nike’s core competency is to create heroes. What does this mean? How did Nike build its core competency? Does this core competency obey the criteria resulting from a VRIO analysis in a resource-based view of the firm? In other words, is the core competency valuable, rare, and inimitable, and is Nike organized to capture the value created?
Q2. Is Nike facing the Icarus paradox? What would it take for Nike’s approach to turn from a strength into a weakness? Did this tipping point already occur? Why or why not?
Q3. What recommendations would you have for Nike? Can you identify a way to reframe the competency of “creating heroes”? Or a new way to build the Nike brand through other, similar concepts?
Q4. If you are a competitor of Nike (such as Adidas or Under Armour), how could you exploit Nike’s vulnerability? Define that vulnerability and provide a set of concrete recommendations.
Case analysis format:
– This is not a group assignment but an individual assignment,
– Please see the syllabus regarding the Academic Honesty Statement (Cheating and Plagiarism). Please note that if your similarity score (on Canvas) is higher than 30%, your assignment will not be accepted.
– On 8.5 by 11-inch paper with one-inch margins and font size twelve. No restriction on line spacing.
– Do not retype the case questions. However, please specify the question numbers for your answers.
– Each case analysis must be no more than five pages. The limit does not include the cover page, figures, graphs, references, and other supplementary materials.
– Appropriate references must be included.

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