Posted: July 15th, 2022

Please read this NYT article about what the pandemic exposed about Amazon’s employment system:

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Please read this NYT article about what the pandemic exposed about Amazon’s employment system:
1980s pop culture theorists like Deal & Kennedy wrote PREscriptions for strong culture in organizations. This ASSUMES that a “good” or “strong” or “excellent” culture is this THING any organization can have if they just adopt it. In contrast, a DEscriptive approach attempts to absorb an organization’s culture by BEING there, using ethnographic research to see an organization from the inside. Both approaches, however, are interested in understanding values and roles.
1. Values:
The first four points of the article give us insight into Amazon’s values. According to Deal & Kennedy, what do we mean when we talk about an organization’s values? Describe the values that emerge through the descriptions made by JKF8 employees and the responses of Amazon representatives.
2. Heroes:
How do Deal and Kennedy define “heroes?” From what you read in point 5 of the article, is Jeff Bezos a “hero” according to this definition? Explain his orientation as a founder/manager (Theory X? Theory Y?), and how this may have impacted employee experiences at JFK8.
3. Be an Ethnographer:
Pretend you have been hired as a consultant to see what is contributing to the high rate of employee turnover in these facilities. What would you ask employees? What would you ask their managers? What would you try to observe?

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