Posted: September 20th, 2022

Please tie them into the content covered in this course.

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1. Research three articles in non-daily periodicals or journals (so not a daily newspaper). The subjects shall be anything related to the class materials that we have covered throughout the semester, i.e., the law in business. Please do not use a daily newspaper or website such as NY Times, Wall St. Journal, Washington Post, AJC, FoxNews, MSNBC or CNN.
Use business magazines and/or professional journals such as Law Journals, Harvard Business Review, Inc.
Magazine or Forbes. You are not limited to just these listed. Wikipedia and Google are not journals. They may be used as starting points for your research and for additional references.
2. Please write a description and analysis of the three articles and how they have “legal” significance. Please tie them into the content covered in this course. The three articles may be related subjects or three separate legal concepts. Do not cut and paste from the articles.
It needs to be your own words reflecting your thoughts.
3. Include a Reference Table of your articles’ citations using MLA or APA style format.

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