Posted: September 29th, 2022

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Need last minute help for a group project where I simply need an outline written for my part. IMPORTANT: The ONLY source of information needs to be based off the textbook used in class called: Hamilton, C. & Kroll, T. L. (2018), Communicating for results: A guide for business and the professions (11th ed.).” I’m sure you can find it on the internet somewhere. DO NOT use any other books or pages from the internet.
More importantly, the content NEEDS to come from Chapter 2 (starting on page 35), which is:
FIT YOU BEST? pg 35 Opening Thoughts, pg 36 Organizations: Before You
Commit to a Job, What Should You Know?, pg 36 Types of Organizations, pg 37 The Traditional (or Classical)
Organization, pg 39 The Human Relations
Organization, pg 43 The Human Resources
Organization, pg 46 Polishing Your Career Skills:
Which Type Organization Fits
Me Best? pg 50 The Systems/Contingency
Organization, pg 51 The Transformational
Organization, pg 54 How Each Type Organization
Uses Communication, pg 57 How Organizations Coordinate
People and Groups, pg 58 Collaborative Learning
Activities, pg 61 IMPORTANT: Whatever you write about, be sure it relates back to the overall purpose statement of my project, which is: “Understanding how to communicate in various mediums will help deliver your message clearly and decisively, and leave an impact on your audience.”
In other words, how does knowing about an organization’s type of communication help? (I say it’s because you can adapt, that’s a biggie. But your points overall must reflect the topic)
Outline format I need is the following:
Body: Major/Main Points A. Types of Organizations
Description of Major Point
1. Introductory/purpose statement of Major Point and Preview of Sub-points a) Introductory/purpose statement b) Preview of Sub-Points 2. Sub-point or development/support for Major Point a) Development/support for sub-point b) Development/support for sub-point 3. Sub-point or development/support for the major point (add however many sub-points and/or developmental supporting points you need to cover all the areas of the major point; do not write paragraphs in outline form. 4. Sub-point or development/support for the Major Point a) Development/support for sub-point b) Development/support for sub-point Please do not hesitate to ask me questions. Thank you!

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