Posted: March 15th, 2023

Popular Press Reading amp; Reaction 1. Find a current popular press article (wit

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Popular Press Reading amp; Reaction
1. Find a current popular press article (within the past year until now). For example, you can
choose from Bloomberg Businessweek, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Wired, Fortune, etc.
Include a link or screenshot of the article in its totality.
2. Write a solid (½ page, single-space paragraph) reaction to the article. Some guiding questions
include: Why did you choose this article (e.g., significance, topic, etc.)? How is this information
beneficial to you and your career? How does this information pertain to your personal leadership
philosophy, organizational communication knowledge, or skillset, etc. in your workplace? Feel
free to include other insights and details as you see fit.
3. Submit your readings amp;

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