Posted: September 30th, 2022

Powerpoint Presentation of Proposed Public Policy

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Powerpoint Presentation of Proposed Public Policy
Prepare a Powerpoint Presentation based on the Proposed Public Policy. Include:
Problem Statement
Proposed Solution
Obstacles and Implementation Challenges
The survey instrument
Possible benefits to be gained from the implementation of the proposed public policy
Potential cost savings benefits from the implementation of the proposed public policy
Potential costs that could occur if the proposed public policy does not occur
Who could benefit from the proposed public policy
How will they benefit
Support with research that demonstrates how you concluded who will benefit or who will be impacted
Who may be negatively impacted
How will they be negatively affected
Support with research that demonstrates how you concluded who may not benefit or who may be negatively impacted
Provide potential limitations to the research
Direct quotes are not permitted.
Name the powerpoint presentation file:
LastName,FirstName_Final Project
Ex. HemrickTracy_Final Project
Submit the PowerPoint presentation to the assignment link by October 6th along with a discussion post to overview the presentation.
Post the PowerPoint presentation to the Final Project Discussion Post by October 6th.
Post at least TWO responses to the Final Project Discussion Post by October 6th.

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