Posted: February 18th, 2022

PowerPoint presentation speaking to the following: • What is the relationship of technology and organizational effectiveness, structure, andculture?

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You will create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation speaking to the following:
• What is the relationship of technology and organizational effectiveness, structure, andculture?
Your PowerPoint slides will have images: no text or bulleted points.

You will add your report narrative to the notes section.

Your images should relate to your narrative and your narrative should be complete in addressing the topic.

(Hint: write your narrative first then search Google Images, or your favorite image library for your images.)

The PowerPoint should be no more than 10 slides in length.
Assemble your presentation in this way:
Title slide
6 – 7 content slides
One wrap-up slide
Reference slide (you will need to reference your images and any resources you use)

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