Posted: September 9th, 2022

Prepare a 7-page demand management plan, including a forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling analysis, as well as recommendations, for a provided scenario or business of your choice.

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Prepare a 7-page demand management plan, including a forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling analysis, as well as recommendations, for a provided scenario or business of your choice.
This portfolio work project, a demand management plan, will help you demonstrate competency in forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling.
For this assessment, you will apply one of these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.
Option 2
If you chose Option 2 for Assessment 1, use the same business for this assessment, or select a different business. Note that it is recommended that you use the same business for each assessment in this course, using the following criteria for your selection:
The company fits the assessment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assessment.
The business information is disclosed in the assessment for faculty’s reference.
You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information. Contact faculty with questions.
Include the following in your demand management plan:

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