Posted: September 26th, 2022

Present either a reason to justify or dismiss each question – does the response add value to the consultant’s knowledge?

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Please proofread and edit document (Analysis of interviews for client) if needed (check documents and attachments mentioned:
This assignment is based on Introduction to Natural By Design (Attached as a file, please read that first) and interviews
The interviews are attached in a separate document! Rubric for the assignment is also attached.
You are to analyze the questions asked in the interviews of Bill Johnson and Monica Goce.
For each interview:
1. For each question asked, discuss if the wording properly conveys its meaning (or if there could be more than one meaning to the question).
2. Present either a reason to justify or dismiss each question – does the response add value to the consultant’s knowledge?
3. Present an opinion (write a paragraph) of whether the interview as a whole has little value, some value, or great value.
! Organize the document by interview. It may help to contain each question in a table row with one column indicating the question, one column for step 1 above, and one column for step 2.
Step 3 can be in a regular paragrph below the interview’s table.

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