Posted: January 19th, 2022

primary and secondary sources.

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Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic.

  1. Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values mayead that person to create a different question than you
  2. Identify one primary source that would help investigate your research question (include the title,
    author, and link to the source).
  3. Identify one secondary source that would help investigate your research question (include the title,
    author, and link to the source).
  4. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
  5. Explain why it is important to consult a variety of sources when conducting historical research. Include
    specific details and examples.
  6. Identify one primary source that would help investigate your research question (include the title,
    author, and link to the source).
  7. Identify one secondary source that would help investigate your research question (include the title,
    author, and link to the source).
  8. Choose a current event related to the subject of your historical research question and explain how
    they are connected
  9. Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about the topic you have selected. Refer to the module overview and resources for helpful information about writing effective research questions.
  10. Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a different question than you.
  11. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.What are the differences between them?
  12. Explain why it is important to consult a variety of sources when conducting historical research.
  13. Why should you avoid relying only on one type of source?
  14. What are the benefits of using a diversity of sources?
  15. Identify one primary source that would help investigate your research question. Ensure that resources are credible and relevant to your research question.
  16. Identify one secondary source that would help investigate your research question. Ensure they are credible and relevant to your research question.
  17. Choose a current event related to the subject of your research question and explain how they are connected.

Read what you wrote in the previous module’s activity about how your historical topic is relevant to modern society. Using your response and what you have learned thus far about your topic, identify a specific current event that you feel is relevant to your research question. Then explain how the current event is connected to your research question. Keep in mind that the link between your topic and your current event will become clearer as you continue to research.
Requirements: 4-5 sentences per question   |   .doc file

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