Posted: March 2nd, 2022

Professional nurses in the 21st century should have an understanding of current global health issues and the implications of the issue

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
PurposeProfessional nurses in the 21st century should have an understanding of current global health issues and the implications of the issues. A poster is a way to present your global health issue in a one-page document.
Course CompetenciesCovers the following competencies:Analyze the incidence, distribution, and control of emerging healthcare concerns in global populations.
Integrate social determinants, ethical concerns, and human rights for high-risk and vulnerable global populations.
RequirementsYou are continuing to prepare for the upcoming global health conference where you will present a poster presentation. In the first part of your project, you chose a significant global health issue as your focus and researched the incidence, prevalence and implications. In the second part of your project, you discussed how determinants of health impact your issue. For the final part of your project, you will research strategies to control the global health issue, and put everything together in a poster presentation.You may use the template linked below, or you may create your own.
Poster-Template-(Editing-allowed).pptxYou may combine information under headings, but your poster must address the required components:Title and your name
Significance of the issue
Incidence, prevalence, & implications of the issue
Impact of determinants of health on the global health issue
Strategies to address the issue, including each of the following:
Efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease/issue
Approaches to reduce a health disparity
Interventions to improve healthcare access
Use in-text citations and references.
Requirements: 2-3

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