Posted: June 22nd, 2022

Provide a description of the product/service (Netflix) and a brief history of the firm.

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Each of the five questions should be numbered and written out in its entirety in the pages that follow. The entire document (all five questions, combined, but not counting references) should be at least 600 words (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced), and include a separate references page. All content must show direct application to the topic and exclude definitions of terms and general explanations of generic marketing topics. The assignment should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
The student will assume the role of marketing manager for the selected organization (Netflix). All student responses must be based on research. Quotes must be minimized and long quotes (40 words or more) avoided. Outside sources to be cited include scholarly marketing journals (Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, etc.), practitioner publications, and the course textbook. Assignments must be submitted though Turnitin.
Q1. Provide a description of the product/service (Netflix) and a brief history of the firm.
Q2. Explain your current or possible global marketing efforts.
Q3. Explain the organization’s mission. Provide its mission statement or create one if necessary. (A mission statement articulates an organization’s purpose, or reason for existence. Most mission statements also include a discussion of what the company would like to become in the future–its strategic vision)
Q4. Explain your competitive strategy. (Cost leadership, Differentiation, Focus (or niche))
Q5. Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the organization.

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