Posted: July 26th, 2022

Purpose: You will learn how to recognize elements of culture.

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Purpose: You will learn how to recognize elements of culture.
Review the readings and videos on organizational/corporate culture. Use the readings, videos, and sources you find online to define organizational culture and briefly state why it matters.
Use the “iceberg model” graphic and explanation found here Download hereto complete the following: a. Describe in general terms the ‘iceberg’ model of organizational culture. Explain what it means, what it teaches us, and how it can be useful to us as managers.
b. Name and briefly describe an organization you have been part of; this can be a company, club, team, church, or any other (be sure to read through the assignment so that you choose one that will work well). DO NOT use the organization you currently work for. c. For each of the 3 levels described in the iceberg model, give specific examples of things that would fit each category. Begin with company values, then identify policies and practices that align with each of those values. For example, if a company’s value is “quick delivery,” they might have a formal policy of paying bonuses to those who make the most deliveries in a shift. Remember that values can be either healthy or unhealthy. For example:
i. Values could include treating customers fairly, working overtime every day, colluding with competitors to raise prices, or degrading women (common in some industries).
ii. Formal policies might include hiring only individuals over age 21, or a 35 hour work week. iii. Informal practices could include “casual Friday,” when people dress down, or showing up for every meeting early, e.g. “We operate on Pfizer Time, meaning if you are not ten minutes early, you are late,” or “Orange Friday” when students wear orange to support their school’s team.
d. Assess whether the three levels of the organization align with each other. For example, do the formal policies (top level) fit the values (bottom level), and do the informal practices (middle level) fit the formal policies (top level)? For example, one large computer company wanted to speed up its customer service calls, so it adopted a policy that docked employees’ pay if they stayed on any one call too long. In response, reps began hanging up on customers rather than lose their monthly bonus. The company’s formal policies had come into conflict with its value of customer service, and the result was a mess (plus a lot of angry customers).
e. Finally, assess the organization’s overall cultural “health,” including how well its culture is serving it (or harming it). Provide some examples or an explanation to explain and support your assessment.
Download and Complete the Week 4 Response Template. Download Week 4 Response Template.When finished, save the document and upload it to Canvas. Click the “Submit Assignment” link in the upper right corner to upload your assignment.

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