Posted: August 8th, 2022

Q1: Identify a good you commonly use or would like to use. Explain at least thre

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Q1: Identify a good you commonly use or would like to use. Explain at least three factors that would result in a shift in the demand curve for that good and three factors that would result in a shift in the supply curve for that good. Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity of each factor. Finally, explain how the shifts in demand and supply are different from movements along the demand curve or movements along the supply curve and why the distinction is important.
Q2: Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices. Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries. Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States. Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct. Discuss with your classmates whether or not the ensuing trade war will produce successful outcomes.

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