Posted: September 8th, 2022

Reach the most ethical solution by using moral philosophies from the textbook or Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Principles.

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Please read the case, Genetic Screening. Pretend that you are an external consultant that the company, Home Office Designs, has hired to help resolve this issue. Your task is to analyze the case and write a summary of your analysis with short-term and long-term recommendations. It should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced. Please use headings and bullets where appropriate to make it readable. Your summary should contain the following information. 1. Consider all stakeholders involved and analyze their needs
2. Consider ethical and legal implications
3. Address possible alternatives
4. Reach the most ethical solution by using moral philosophies from the textbook or Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Principles.
5. Make a recommendation. You should also include short-term and long-term goals to implement the recommended solution.
6. After your make the decision and start to implement it, consider the techniques of “Giving Voice to Values (GVV).” GVV asks the question, “How can you implement it effectively?” or “How would you communicate the decision based on your values to others when you may face a push back?” In this case, you might consider how GVV can be used in effectively communicating with Olga or other employees. Watch the short video at the following link to learn about GVV.
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