Posted: May 14th, 2022

Read “Radical Change, the Quiet Way” then think of a time when you felt compelled to yell out that the Emperor is naked (metaphorically speaking).

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was told by a manager years ago that “no one likes to hear someone
screaming that the Emperor is naked”. At the time I had no idea what he
meant. I got the basic message that I needed to be quiet, but I didn’t
fully understand the fable. Of course, after years of experience it
became clear. No one likes to be criticized, or to have their leader
criticized. This means that even if our beloved leader (company, friend,
whatever the object of the complaint is) appears naked with a kingdom
full of people able to see them, it is simply not polite or respectful
to begin screaming to point it out. You’ll likely accomplish more
productive change with tempered, timely, and respectful communication.
Initial Post Instructions
Read “Radical Change, the Quiet
Way” then think of a time when you felt compelled to yell out that the
Emperor is naked (metaphorically speaking). Use the actions described in
the “Ideas in Action” section to describe possible actions you could
have taken. What reaction would you likely have received if you had
simply hollered out and identified loudly all the things that are wrong
with the situation? How might the outcome be different if you used the
actions described? How do the concepts discussed reinforce the need for
effective communication? Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly
references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.
Follow Up Posts
After your initial post, read over
the items posted by your peers and your instructor. Select at least two
different posts, and address the following items in your responses:
Help your classmates expand on their suggested actions. Share additional ideas for actions they could take.
Share some of your own experiences (good or bad) that helps reinforce the concepts discussed here.

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