Posted: February 24th, 2022

Read the article “America’s True History of Religious Tolerance” and “God, Government and Roger William’s Big Idea”

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Prompt: Read the article “America’s True History of Religious Tolerance” and “God, Government and Roger William’s Big Idea” (found under Files in the folder titled “Discussion Articles”) and read the primary documents in Voices of Freedom pgs. 30-46. Based upon your interpretation and analysis of the primary documents, answer the following questions. Was America’s founding based upon religious freedom? How was religious freedom established? How do the primary documents demonstrate the early debate over religious freedom and the attempt to establish specific kinds of societies?
After addressing the historical questions, find an article that addresses religious issues in American society today and post it as a link. Summarize the article and the author’s findings. Explain how this issue continues to affect today’s society. Do Americans continue to debate what religious freedom and tolerance means in the current day? Finally, how has this struggle over religion or the respect for religious freedom in America affected your life?
Initial responses are required to be ABOUT 500 words, and students need to respond to at least two other students and any questions from the instructor if posted in the main discussion thread (you do not HAVE to respond to any questions posted that are provided along with your grade for said discussion).
Each post is worth 40 points with each comment post worth 5 pts. Comment posts should be considerate of the original poster, and either help support the original post with additional insights or politely disagree while providing evidence. I encourage you to reference your readings in order to provide an in-depth and thoughtful post. Remember, you are required to respond to TWO classmates’ thoughts, explaining why you agree or disagree with their assessments. I recommend that as you read the chapters, you keep the discussion question in mind as this will help you when it comes time to posting. Late posts will only be accepted up to ONE day late and ten points will be lost for a late post. See the specific discussion rubric below and in our Files section.
1. Make sure to cite as you write your main discussion post/answer to the actual question. No need for a bibliography but make sure to include specific citations in the body of your main discussion post (so the footnotes/endnotes as per Chicago Manual of Style) so I know where you got a specific quote, idea, or if you are paraphrasing someone else. There is no minimum or limit on how many citations you should have but expect at least a few for each discussion.
2. You do not need to cite in your response to other classmates UNLESS you are directly quoting another work. In addition, your response to other classmates can run the gamut. You can ask them questions, agree or disagree with their points (make sure to explain why you do), ask them to expand on their thoughts if you thought it wasn’t clear, etc. Your responses to other classmates do not need to be excessive. Aim for, at a minimum, 3-5 sentences in order to demonstrate that you considered their original post and provided a thoughtful response.
3. REMEMBER your main post and your comment posts are all due at the same time. This means you need to think a head and post your main post, at a minimum, a day or two ahead of time. The reason why they are all due at the same time is, in part, due to my own schedule and ability to actually sit down and grade. Second, I have found that students often FORGET to do the comment posts if they are not lumped in with the same due date as the main post. Rubric for discussions:
D-F-did not address any of the questions and/or did not respond in a manner that suggested they understood the nature of the events and did not make connections to contemporary issues. Failed to cite sources using Chicago Manual of Style (footnotes/endnotes). Did not attempt to correct spelling and grammar. Used first person (unless otherwise specified in the prompt).
C-D -responded marginally to the questions and/or demonstrated a limited knowledge of the historical events and their connection to contemporary issues. Attempted to cite using Chicago Manual of Style (footnotes/endnotes), but format was incorrect, or information was missing. Material contained some spelling and grammar errors. Used first person occasionally (unless otherwise specified in the prompt).
B-responded carefully to the questions using some evidence from the readings and/or demonstrated a clear understanding of the connection between historical events and contemporary issues in response to others and their own research but failed to provide evidence to support their response. Cited most of the evidence used (footnotes/endnotes), but not all. Spelling and grammar errors were infrequent. Did not use first person (unless otherwise specified in the prompt).
A-addressed all of the questions using evidence from the readings and/or demonstrated a clear understanding of the connection between historical events and contemporary issues using evidence to support their conclusions. Cited all of the work (footnotes/endnotes). There were no spelling or grammar errors. Did not use first person (unless otherwise specified in the prompt).
Specific point loss:
-3 for NOT citing
-1 to -4 for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
-3 to -5 for missing a question
-2 to -10 for not including enough analysis or providing examples to support your points
-5 (for our last discussion ONLY) for not adopting the persona of a journalist as required by the prompt.
Did they address all of the questions based upon the criteria outlined above and provide analysis? (20 pts.)
Did they use evidence directly from the reading(s) and/or their own research to support their discussion? (10 pts.)
Research and discussion of contemporary issue or research related to historical documents (if appropriate). (10 pts).
Response #1 (5 pts.): Was the response measured, thoughtful, and did it demonstrate evidence that the students had done the reading and were fully aware of the issues being addressed historically and currently? Did the student attempt to engage in a discussion of the topic with classmates by asking questions or introducing new, related ideas?
Response #2 (5 pts.): Was the response measured, thoughtful, and did it demonstrate evidence that the students had done the reading and were fully aware of the issues being addressed historically and currently? Did the student attempt to engage in a discussion of the topic with classmates by asking questions or introducing new, related ideas?
HOW TO CITE for the discussion (you will not use this type of setup for the paper):
“The Duke of York and his appointed governors continued the Dutch practice of awarding immense land grants to favorites, including 160,000 acres to Robert Livingston and 90,000 to Frederick Philipse.” [1]
[1] Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! an American History (New York: WW Norton & Co, 2017), 93.
OR if you are still trying to figure out Chicago or are trying to keep your citations in order, I would also accept this for our first discussion (or something along these lines):
“The Duke of York and his appointed governors continued the Dutch practice of awarding immense land grants to favorites, including 160,000 acres to Robert Livingston and 90,000 to Frederick Philipse.” [Foner pg 93]
Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! an American History. New York: WW Norton & Co, 2017.

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