Posted: February 17th, 2022

Read the following paragraph and identify its main pattern of organization. After you identify the pattern of organization, write a brief reflection (6-8 sentences) where you state the clues that helped you identify the organization of the paragraph.

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Read the following paragraph and identify its main pattern of organization. After you identify the pattern of organization, write a brief reflection (6-8 sentences) where you state the clues that helped you identify the organization of the paragraph. Remember to use proper standard language in your reflection.
Acronyms are words formed by the first letters of words in a phrase. A good example is “SCUBA,” which stands for “Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.” Another illustration is the term “zip” code which stands for “Zone Improvement Plan”—a reference to the zones adopted in 1963 to speed up mail delivery in the U.S.’

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