Posted: July 16th, 2022

Read the HBR case study: Avery, J, Israeli, A & Maur, Ev 2021, ‘The Yes: Reimagining the future of E-Commerce with Artificial Intelligence (AI)’, Harvard Business Case, 521070-PDF-ENG, pp. 1-29.

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Read the HBR case study: Avery, J, Israeli, A & Maur, Ev 2021, ‘The Yes: Reimagining the future of E-Commerce with Artificial Intelligence (AI)’, Harvard Business Case, 521070-PDF-ENG, pp. 1-29.
For this assessment, feel free to follow a structure of question and answer. You do not need to have an introduction, executive summary and a conclusion.Answer the following questions:
Based on motivation theory, what motivation drivers (i.e., hedonic, utilitarian, socialisation) were most influential for each persona in the user experience (UX), engagement and purchasing behaviour via THE YES app? Discuss the similarities and differences in motivation drivers for each persona.
a) Which personality and individual consumer characteristics should be considered to further refine consumer profiles generated by AI. Select the most relevant characteristics (minimum 2) and discuss how they influence motivation and app adoption/use for each persona (Hint: consider fashion innovativeness, fashion leadership, fashion consciousness; need for uniqueness, openness to experiences or else etc.)
b) Based on McNeill (2018) and self-concept theory, what fashion identity type can be attributed to each persona? Explain how these insights can be used to enhance personalisation and discovery capacity in THE YES app.
Evaluate which persona is a better customer target for THE YES app. Justify your recommendations. How does persona’s choice inform further app platform development? Identify and discuss which experiential value/s (as basis for experiential segmentation) should be considered to advance THE YES apps algorithm for chosen persona.
Should the company invest in improving the AI algorithm, enhancing the UX with new functionality (i.e, development of social shopping features, design of an influencer program, and construction of a customer loyalty program)? Explain which functionality/s can be particularly appealing to the chosen persona in building trust? Support and justify your recommendation.
Applying the immersive technology customer experience management framework (Dieck & Han, 2022) to your chosen persona, discuss how user experiences can be enhanced even further via immersive technologies (Hint: consider realms of interactive education, immersive escapism, ubiquitous aesthetics, co-created entertainment via virtual reality/VR, augmented reality/ AR, mixed reality /MR or else etc.).

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