Posted: August 30th, 2022

Read the job descriptions on pages 166 to 171 in the textbook (part of the Whole

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Read the job descriptions on pages 166 to 171 in the textbook (part of the Whole Foods case). Evaluate the jobs and create a structure based on the value of the jobs to the organization. Examples of a structure can be found on page 164 of the textbook. To evaluate the jobs, you can use the ranking methods described on pages 150 and 151, or you can use the federal government system outlined in the attached document (pages 44-59), or you can come up with your own evaluation system. The results of your evaluation should be a structure showing the highest ranking job to the lowest. It is likely that you may have more than one job at the same level. Please write a one or two-sentence explanation for your ranking of each job.

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