Posted: March 3rd, 2022

Readings: Ben Franklin p. 439-608 *focus on Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America p. 462 Book 1 Norton 9th Edition

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Readings: Ben Franklin p. 439-608 *focus on Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America p. 462 Book 1 Norton 9th Edition
For this discussion and all discussion in this class, you’ll want to create a complete essay, 5-7 paragraphs. That essay should include an introduction that narrows to a thesis. That thesis should foreshadow the main ideas of your body paragraphs. After the introduction, you want to include 3-5 body paragraphs based on the paragraph plan shared in Module resources. And after the body paragraphs, wrap up your essay with a conclusion, then a Works Cited in MLA format. You are not required to use outside sources, but if you do, cite them also in MLA format.
Remember: no I–no first person allowed this week or any week for our essays.
Each essay should be 250 or more words.
Our question for this week:
Based on your readings from the Introduction to Emerson and the readings in the Norton, Volume 2, 9th Edition, what are the most important tenets of self reliance, according to Emerson in his 1841 essay of the same name? As always, be specific and use quotes from his writing to build your body paragraphs and make your case

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