Posted: May 11th, 2022

Recent history has exposed a significant number ofcases where business owners and employees have engaged in unethical and sometimes illegal activities within the realm of business.

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Recent history has exposed a significant number of
cases where business owners and employees have
engaged in unethical and sometimes illegal activities
within the realm of business. At times, this has
impacted the economy and brought significant harm
to many people. These activities have highlighted
the lack of, and the need for, a greater emphasis on
managerial ethics. All managers have a responsibility
to themselves, their employers, employees, and
others to determine their own personal ethical
position and how they will demonstrate that
perspective within the workplace.
Read Chapter 1 in your textbook.
Read Getting caught out in the cold found
under the heading “Exercising Your Ethics:
Team Exercise” on p. 32 in your textbook.
Write a 1-page response to the three questions
at the end of the case.
It is not necessary to apply a formatting style
for this assignment except when using a
source to support your writing.

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