Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Reflect upon the readings and videos above regarding the gradual militarization of policing in general and the Federal government’s 1033 program that donates old military equipment (gear, armaments, vehicles) to local and university police departments to aid in their fight against crime, drugs and terrorism.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a policy exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Instructions: Reflect upon the readings and videos above regarding the gradual militarization of policing in general and the Federal government’s 1033 program that donates old military equipment (gear, armaments, vehicles) to local and university police departments to aid in their fight against crime, drugs and terrorism.1. Drawing upon the tenets of any one of the ethical schools of thought presented in Chapters 12-17 of the Banks book (attached below), detail and justify your support or opposition for the application of the 1033 program to provide equipment to the Georgia State University Police Department (GSUPD) to aid in its efforts to combat challenges inherent to an urban campus spanning at-risk areas. Assigned positions are determined as follows.You are assigned to Team Obama and will be writing in opposition of using the 1033 program to equip the GSUPD (Georgia State University Police Dept).
3-4 pages double spaced using 12 pt. Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins on all sides.
Reference module video, readings, lectures, and/or outside sources to back up your ideas.
Include proper APA in-text citations when referring to course readings or other sources in your paper (e.g. “This study found…(Hinkle & Weisburd, 2008).”)
A reference page with complete source citations is required as the last page of the memo.
Links to Important Articles and Video:………
Requirements: 3 pages

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