Posted: May 27th, 2022

Regulatory Conflict of Interest The Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce both provided aeronautical infrastructure and promulgated safety regulations. It was also charged with aircraft accident investigation. Do you believe this is a conflict of interest, and does the NTSB solve that problem?

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remember 2 different subjects need to be addressed accordingly 1: Regulatory Conflict of Interest The Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce both provided aeronautical infrastructure and promulgated safety regulations. It was also charged with aircraft accident investigation. Do you believe this is a conflict of interest, and does the NTSB solve that problem? Explain and defend your position. 2: The Civil Aeronautics Board Discuss the economic role the CAB played in the development of commercial aviation. Does government have a role to play in developing an industry? Explain and defend your position.

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