Posted: October 24th, 2022


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1. Drinking Rituals
Hello class!
I never really got the “college” experience because I have always done online courses. The drinking rituals I had when I was younger were outside of college and they did not last very long. Drinking can be comforting with all the life changes after high school like moving out of your parent’s home, paying for bills, the stress of classes, and just becoming an adult in general. You can let loose, forget, fit in, and make social situations easier by drinking (Fenwick, 2017). It can be terrifying, however, because there are so many young individuals who do not know their limit or ignore it and get alcohol poisoning or worse. Not only is drinking bad for your health but if individuals continue to drink after college, then they will have a whole mess of health problems and maybe even family life problems. In my opinion, students right out of high school need more support and more financial stability before moving on to college or moving out on their own.
Hope you have a great night! Kira Merritt References
Fenwick, A. (2017, April 28). 5 Reasons Why Drinking Culture is So Prominent on College Campuses. Spoon University. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from
2. Hey Class,
This is an interesting topic and one that I have experienced on both sides, at school and at work. Coming out of high school and starting college, the idea of drinking was more of a sense of freedom than it was a feeling of community or comradery. I know especially the guys that I lived with had the idea that we could do what we wanted to because, there was no one there to tell us not to do something. As long as we did not get arrested, it was free game. The drinking and especially drinking games was something we did to blow off steam or just have a good time because for the first time, we were able to not be under the eye of parents, school, or society. We fortunately got along really well so there was no feeling of pressure to drink and fit in. If you did not want to drink then you don’t have to. I feel like the professional world has more pressure to drink than I felt in college from my peers. As an example, I quit drinking at the beginning of the year. The people, I am closest to at work know this and are super supportive. The issue is every year, my organization has an employee appreciation dinner where there is a cocktail hour. This year there were many people that asked me why I was not drinking or where my drink was. It is the norm during many of these work activities so it is often weird to see someone not drinking. It is seen as a way to network and get to know each other more than an expression of freedom like it was in college. I don’t see anything wrong in having cocktail receptions at work events, it does not bother me. If you are a person that has issues, don’t participate or go. I did that recently as well at a conference that I attended. There was a cocktail reception intended to network with other professionals but did not want to be around people drinking or intoxicated people, so I stayed in my room and did homework. It made no difference in the amount of people I was able to meet and connections made.

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