Posted: October 13th, 2022

Research paper (measure learning objective 1, 4, 9)

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The chapter covers BPM is chapter 3.9-3.12. Could you please give me a few literature examples that could answer your research question? Professor asked me this Research Paper (measure learning objective 1, 4, 9)
This is an individual assignment. Students will identify a business intelligence topic from the textbook. They will write a research paper about their BI topic. Topics will have to be approved by the instructor in advance. Please follow the instruction below. Estimated time on task: 15 hours. Topic: Choose a topic that interests you from one or more of the chapters from the textbook (e.g., Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence). Think about one main research question related to this topic that can further your understanding of this topic (e.g., How to use neural networks for text mining? How to combine human intelligence with artificial intelligence?).
Paper Final Draft Structure: – Introduction
* What is your topic? What is the definition of the topic? What has been covered in the textbook related to this topic? (10 points)
* What is your main research question? (10 points)
*Why do you think this is an interesting/important question? (10 points)
– Literature Review
* What has been studied in the literature that can help you answer this question? (40 points)
Search and find the literature that can help you answer your research question. Include at least 10 academic journal papers (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems). You can also review major conference papers (e.g., International Conference on Information Systems) and other professional resources (e.g., books, articles). Please DO NOT cite webpages or new articles.
* (Optional) What is unclear/controversial in the literature related to your research question?
– Discussion
* What is your main takeaway? (10 points)
* What could be the follow-up questions related to your main research question? (10 points)
– References
Cite the literature in your paper. The format of your references should be in APA style. (10 points)
Paper Format: At least 3-page long, double spaced, excluding the title page, references, and appendices (if any). All the sources should be scholarly sources

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