Posted: June 23rd, 2022

Research the technology company Lenovo.

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Strategic intent is an important aspect of maintaining or improving market position and market share. Week 3 looks closely at strategy and the concept of strategic alternatives and strategic alternative bundling. For this discussion, identify and define the various types of strategic alternatives and how the process of bundling might help or harm the strategic motivation of the organization. What is the goal of strategic bundling?
Research the technology company Lenovo. Summarize the history of the organization. Define their current market position and market share. Describe what type of strategic alternative helped to facilitate their current market position. What strategic alternative might the organization use for future growth and improvement?
MUST USE the course text in addition to 2 additional scholarly/credible sources. The course text chapters needed for this assignment are attached. The course text reference is below.
Abraham, S. C. (2012). Strategic management for organizations . Bridgepoint Education.

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