Posted: February 22nd, 2022

researching elder abuse.

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For this research paper, you will be researching elder abuse. Use section 1 instructions (provided below). Then you will go on to research an organization that assits individuals with the elder abuse issue, use section 2 instructions provided below. Use in-text citations and include a refrence page. You may use first person writing this paper.
Section 1: Research the “Contemporary Issue”
– What is the contemporary issue you are addressing?
-Discuss the issue (give relevant statistics, etc.)
-How does this issue affecr the individual, family, community and larger society? Does it have global consequences?
-What are some strategies used by the individual, family, community, state, etc. to help cope with this issue?
-Are there other macro-level strategies (example: federal governemnt) to help individuals/families with this issue?
-Discuss a social perspective of the issue you are adressing.
Section 2: Research An Organization
-Discuss the agency you chose to research (historyof the agency, purpose of the agency, what does the agency do, how they recieve fundings, etc.)
-In your opinion, how effective is the agenecy in helping individuals with issues associated with aging?
-What is the agency doing well?
-Discuss recomendations as to how the agenecy could improve.
-What are some strategies human services professionals can use to help individuals combat this issue?

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