Posted: July 16th, 2022

Review the attached Power Point on “A Healthy Personality” and answer the 4 questions at the end of the PPT. Short answers are fine. This is a chance to reflect on who you are and on leadership.

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A: Reflection on A Healthy Personality (1 page )
Review the attached Power Point on “A Healthy Personality” and answer the 4 questions at the end of the PPT. Short answers are fine. This is a chance to reflect on who you are and on leadership.
In YOUR Life:
1) How
are you doing on these six things? Which characteristics do you excel in?
2) How
do you think that these Healthy Personality Traits Relate to a being a Good
3) Are
there any areas that you would like to grow in or develop to become a more
effective leader?
4) What
is an important event (or a person) in your life that has helped to shape the
person that you are today?
Write: 1/2 (one-half) PAGE Summary AND 1/2 PAGE of Your Thoughts and Reflections on PART 1 (CHAPTERS 1,2,3) OF DISCOVER YOUR TRUE NORTH. Do you agree with the author about the importance of Life Story and Crucibles in shaping leadership? Why or Why Not?

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