Posted: February 8th, 2022

Review the three healthcare priorities outlined in the latest National Quality Strategy.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Background InformationWhen you are employed by a healthcare facility to lead quality, you must identify and define the weaknesses in the organization. You must be multifaceted in your ability to effectively communicate specific improvements and changes made using various quality improvement models and tactics. You have to motivate the stakeholders to engage in new healthcare models and behaviors that deliver increased quality and value so as to improve market share and revenues.To affect meaningful change to improve quality, you have to lead through various obstacles of the quality management building blocks, illustrate ways to measure performance, and utilize the three key facets of change. You must communicate your concepts effectively to all parties that have a vested interest (stakeholders) and implement them with realistic timelines and definite goals to be achieved. You need to also think creatively, be able to troubleshoot problems, and keep the improvement program on time and on target.InstructionsReview the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Review information from Chapter 7 in Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management.
Review responses from the 2.1 Devotional.
Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion prompts:Outline the various responsibilities of a quality improvement team leader.
Review the three healthcare priorities outlined in the latest National Quality Strategy. What are the perceived challenges and barriers of leading quality improvement in these areas?
Reflecting on the 2.1 Devotional, what are spiritual insights would you provide to a team leader to assist with leading the team during the forming and storming stages of team dynamics?
Requirements: 100

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