Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Revise and expand sections of an EMR Implementation Plan to address how you will use the techniques you have learned thus far: Agile and 6-Sigma, data visualization and handling difficult people and conversations.

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Revise and expand sections of an EMR Implementation Plan to address how you will use the techniques you have learned thus far: Agile and 6-Sigma, data visualization and handling difficult people and conversations. This is a team project. This project should fully address the potential benefits of new methods to the overall EMR deployment and how the tools would be used during the entire implementation process. Then construct a set of PowerPoint slides to brief senior management on what you just added so that they are up to date on your planning for the upcoming implementation of the new EMR.
Submit the PowerPoint file (one copy for each team) to Canvas before midnight of class. They will be presented starting the next evening.
How you will add 6-Sigma
methodology to your
implementation plan  OR  support
why you would not add 6-Sigma
to your implementation plan
Data Visualization Describe how you will add data
visualization to your EMR project
Difficult People
State how you will handle difficult
people and situations as you
implement and training for the
new EMR system.

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