Posted: July 15th, 2022

Rising Costs for Small Businesses

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You are to read these articles and then post your comments / thoughts about that article. When submitting an article, YOU MUST begin your comment with “What I found interesting about this article is …”. If this is not the first sentence in your comment, no credit will be given. It is suggested you post at least two articles at the same time.
PLease use the following articles:
1.Add Rent to Rising Costs for Small Businesses
2. National Home Price Gains Exceeded 20% in May
3. U.S. Housing Hold-Ups Put Thousands of Jobs on the Line
4. Unit Owner Must Get Renter’s OK to Use Amenities
DO NOT write a summary of the article. Summaries will not receive any credit. I am looking for your own comments / thoughts about the article.
These articles must be current and pertain to any aspect of real estate, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online or thru publications or other sources you may identify.
Comments MUST BE substantive, not just a quick line or two. I am looking for at least four (4) lines of meaningful, thoughtful commentary.

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