Posted: July 20th, 2022

Select a brand like Applegate Deli Meats or a service like Nationwide Insurance. Note which brand you chose. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of expanding the selected brand to a more global presence. Be thorough, and please use a different company than you have previously used in discussions and cases. Section 2 is CH 16

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Section 1 is CH 14
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Select a brand like Applegate Deli Meats or a service like Nationwide Insurance. Note which brand you chose. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of expanding the selected brand to a more global presence. Be thorough, and please use a different company than you have previously used in discussions and cases. Section 2 is CH 16
article to use for this section

9 Ways to Reward Employees to Reinforce Customer-Centric Behaviors

Subscription-based delivery companies, such as Blue Apron and Birch Box, are growing rapidly. However, competition in the area has grown tremendously as well! Select one specific subscription-based delivery company (either one of the two named or another). Based on the ideas from this chapter, how should they respond to these competitive threats? Are they currently responding in ways that match the chapter’s content? Explain. What could they do differently to better align with the chapter’s content?
Again, please choose a company that you have not yet written about in previous cases or discussions.

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