Posted: September 13th, 2022

Select a firm within that industry that you want to analyze.

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Dont make real powerpoint- just make paper and label so i know where to put into my own powerpoint pls
For the duration of this project, assume you are deputy to the CEO of a company, and you have been asked to conduct an analysis of the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), as the company’s first step in preparing to formulate an organizational Strategic Plan. In this step of the planning process, you are to analyze the firm’s internal Strengths and Weaknesses (e.g., resources, capabilities, core competencies), and external opportunities and threats (e.g., political, economic, social, global, technological). The purpose of the analysis is to give the CEO and the executive team advice regarding goals and objectives the firm should include in the Strategic Plan.
Remember: Strengths and Weaknesses are part of the INTERNAL environment
Opportunities and Threats are part of the EXTERNAL environment
NOTE: I strongly suggest you select a publicly-traded company as it will be easier to find information on the company in articles and on websites.
Project First Steps
1. Review the project assignment. Ask me any initial questions you have.
2. Select an industry.
3. Select a firm within that industry that you want to analyze. See NOTE above about selecting a company.
4. Start the project work.
Project Work
Using at least four sources (your textbook may be one source), conduct an analysis of the firm’s or organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Keep in mind the distinction between internal and external; and that you are looking for information on trends/in areas that may influence the firm’s success in accordance with its values.
Prepare a six- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes, at minimum:
Introductory slide on the firm and why you selected it
One or more slides on what you learned related to each SWOT component
Slide(s) analyzing your most significant findings and how they relate to class discussions and/or topics covered in your textbook
Conclusion slide(s): the advice you would give the firm’s executives regarding goals the firm might want to set, and/or areas they might want to set goals in
Bibliographical references slide
Project Submission Requirements
PowerPoint Presentation; your presentation should be professional in style and a minimum of six to ten slides.
One-page Presentation Script you would use to give a five-minute brief (to the company’s executives) on your findings and recommendations.
Remember to properly document the titles and authors of your information sources, as well as the periodical or Website from which they were taken, using APA format; also remember you can and should reference your textbook. ********* I WILL UPLOAD TEXTBOOK FOR REFERENCES!!!! MUST INCLUDE FROM BOOK************
SUGGESTED TIMELINE FOR COMPLETION 1. By September 4: Select the company you will conduct the SWOT Analysis on.
2. By September 10: Gather the SWOT information using at least 4 sources (see assignment instructions above for details) and begin to find links between the information you gathered and the course content.
3. By September 17: Prepare the first publish of your PowerPoint presentation and associated presentation script. 4. By September 26 : Make edits to your presentation and script, and submit both via MyLearning.

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